The Answer to Life the Universe and Everything!

So many people ask about the meaning or purpose of life. While it took me years of investigation and experience in this field to understand it, the answer is that the meaning (or purpose) of life is to have experiences. It’s really just that simple—life is about having experiences. And to take this one step further, life is about having experiences that our souls are unable to have in the spiritual realm.

As souls who exist eternally in the spirit world, which is always free from fear, suffering, and death, we choose a physical life as humans to know the experience of living in a domain where mortality is imminent.

When a being knows it can die, it changes everything. It creates fear and alters choices. When death is a potential occurrence, we think, say, and do things differently. We act out of survival. Even the possibility of injury, illness, or pain leads one to choose differently than if that person were immortal and invincible. And this is why living a human life is such an intriguing challenge for our souls. It’s not an easy challenge. It’s not even necessarily fun. It simply creates a new paradigm from which to have new experiences, experiences our souls are unable to duplicate in the spiritual realm.

I make this point early in this book for one important reason—so many folks believe that something has gone wrong in life when they meet challenges (disappointment, tragedy, suffering, loss, and pain), but life is about experiences, both positive and negative. Nobody promised us that we’d have only positive experiences. We learn just as much, if not more, from our challenging experiences as humans, and whether we want to accept it or not, this is what we signed up for as souls when we chose to have a physical life.

This doesn’t mean that negative experiences are necessary or even unavoidable. There are many ways to increase our awareness, live in the present moment, and choose our responses to our experiences such that life leans toward the positive. But no one lives a life completely free of negativity, otherwise known as challenges that we might prefer to avoid.

If you can accept that life is about experiences rather than about being happy and easygoing all the time, then the answers in this book will digest easier. Yet even if you have some resistance to this idea, don’t give up right away because you will better understand what this really means as you continue reading. And by the time you finish reading this book, you will not only comprehend this “life is about experiences” concept better, but you’ll recognize why it will provide you with a greater sense of inner peace than the belief (and expectation) that life should only include happy and positive experiences.

The above is the first answer in Bob Olson’s book Answers about the Afterlife. I would highly recommend you read it along with the other books in my online bookshelf which you can find here: (The password is 42)

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I like to explore, learn, teach, and laugh!

2 thoughts on “The Answer to Life the Universe and Everything!”

  1. Another quote from the book:

    “[T]he reason our souls choose to have [painful human] experiences is because it’s necessary to experience all sides of it in order to fully know it. This is why Source allows suffering, war, and hate in the world just as it allows joy, peace, and love.
    [L]ife is about experiences. It’s not just about having happy experiences; it’s about having—and knowing—all experiences.
    [O]ver the course of our many human lives, the probability is that each one of us has been a murderer, a rapist, and a thief as well as a humanitarian, a guardian, and a philanthropist. This means that your soul has likely known all these experiences in other lifetimes.
    [Y]ou are who you are today because of what you as a soul learned and how you grew as a result of those experiences.”

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