I was nine when Star Wars first came out in 1977. It blew me away. Changed my life. Became like a religion–I joke that Star Trek is good entertainment but Star Wars is religion. (It can be argued that the former was better at inspiring tech and a hopeful future however.) But of course they are just movies and flawed ones at that. I will freely admit that the dialog of the original trilogy is a bit wooden however the descent didn’t really start until Jedi. Here is the timeline:
- A New Hope: An amazing, ground breaking, record breaking film
- Empire Strikes Back: In some ways an even better film (although a muppet as a main character? Hmmm.)
- Return of the Jedi: Ewoks instead of Wookies? What! Why?
- Special Editions: OMG! George, what have you done to my childhood!?
- Phantom Menace: WTF! Rock bottom. Unwatchable.
- Attack of the Clones: BBQ! When will the bloodletting stop!?
- Revenge of the Sith: What a steaming pile of Sith!
So it is understandable that I prepared to watch The Force Awakens with trepidation. Here is a review that I agree with.
There is some good news however. Some have taken it upon themselves to:
- Restore the original trilogy to it’s former glory
- Take the best of both worlds
- Attempts to make the unwatchable, watchable
- Reimagine what might have been
What are your thoughts?
The Last Jedi. Oh dear. Star Wars has “jumped the shark”. It has “nuked the fridge”. I’m sad to say it but Star Wars is dead